Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It’s really not been a great week for Sony. The news that their PlayStation Network had been hacked was bad enough, but then the Japanese electronics giant was forced to tell its 70 million users that their personal data, and even their credit card details may have been stolen.

Once users had finished cancelling every card they’d ever even thought of attaching to PSN, the thoughts then turned to compensation. Just what will Sony do to make things right? According to a statement from Sony, they’re working on something – but they’re not letting on just what they’ll be doing to appease us.

In the company’s latest Q&A session regarding the current problems, Sony did its best to ease players’ fears for their saved game data and trophies by assuring them that their data will simply re-sync as soon as PSN is brought back online. But what about those users who subscribe to online games such as DC Universe Online? According to Ars Technica, Sony is working on a ‘make good’ plan.

"To thank players for their patience, we will be hosting special events across our game portfolio," SOE said in a statement. "We are also working on a ‘make good’ plan for players of the PS3 versions of DC Universe Online and Free Realms. Details will be available soon on the individual game websites and forums."

The same goes for PSN as a whole and streaming service Qriocity. Seybold said that Sony is "evaluating ways to show appreciation" to users for the downtime, but specifics as to how that will be done are currently unavailable.

Ars Technica also notes that, according to gaming blog Kotaku, Sony has brought the FBI into the investigation into what’s happened. We’re sure that will help the vultures as they seek to sue Sony, too.

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