Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ahh, those crazy hackers. They like nothing more than a bit of competition mixed in with their late nights and Mountain Dew. It appears some new-old competition just joined the race to dump the iPad 2's bootrom.

The hacker currently working on the feat, P0sixninja, tweeted that after he asked for more competition from his peers, the newly famous Geohot has accepted the challenge.

iPad 2 Jailbreak

@p0sixninja: I challenged geohot to dump the iPad2 bootrom before me. Maybe having a worthy opponent will motivate me to work harder =P

@p0sixninja: he accepted, he said he didn’t have an iPad yet but he’s getting one really soon

Geohot (or George Hotz to his Mother and anyone over the age of 14) originally cut his teeth hacking iDevices and news that he is returning to take on the iPad 2 will inspire the jailbreak community like never before. Hotz is only just out of court after Sony sued him for jailbreaking their PlayStation 3 console. Clearly he doesn’t want to be out of the news for too long!

Great news if you’re waiting for an iPad 2 jailbreak – more hackers can only mean a jailbreak is closer than it was before Geohot joined the party.

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