Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sony today let us all in on the latest information regarding the state of its PlayStation Network, as well as announcing that it will be offering a selection of freebies to help smooth over relations with its customer base.

Over a week since Sony took PSN offline due to hackers gaining access to the personal data of its users, Sony today said that they hope to have the service back up and running soon, with the aim being to bring PSN and Qriocity online inside a week. The delay in returning service is to give the company time to install new security in order to prevent any further intrusions.

Sony’s Executive Deputy President Kazuo Hirai was apologetic in a statement given today:

"Our global audience of PlayStation Network and Qriocity consumers was disrupted. We have learned lessons along the way about the valued relationship with our consumers, and to that end, we will be launching a customer appreciation program for registered consumers as a way of expressing our gratitude for their loyalty during this network downtime, as we work even harder to restore and regain their trust in us and our services."

So what are we going by way of an apology? To be honest, not very much. PSN users will get a free 30-day subscription to Playstation Plus, Sony’s premium version of PSN as well as access to Qriocity for the same period. Existing subscribers will get the 30 days tagged onto their current subscription.

Sony will also offer free content downloads, though what those will be has yet to be announced and will vary depending on the region you are in.

For now though, sit tight and just wait for the day we can finally sign into PSN one again.

{Source: BetaNews}

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