Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The number of times loose lips get people in trouble, one would think people would learn would not you? The culprit this time is a Craig Fairbrass, an actor dubbing two current modern warfare games. In an interview with UK radio station talkSPORT, the voice of the Phantom and gas left is currently working on a big game which would have been cost of 200 m $ to. Which reduces it then!

During the interview, Fairbrass says:

"I have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare as a gas and then I Ghost in Modern Warfare 2, which became one of the most emblematic figures in the history of video games, which is great.".

"And I was just out to make something that will be announced in may…" I was just there to make certain pieces and parts and an it is with… I cannot say too much. »

It seems that Fairbrass is a fan of too much work on the games.

"You like not five, six, seven sessions and they record it in this great big Los Angeles studio, which is absolutely mental"

"It is incredible." "This place was as size 10 factories, all these people who work there".

Although it is no surprise that Activision is working on another set of modern war , because they are basically a license to print money, we are convinced that the company would announce it with a small band more than someone it accidentally leaked on a UK radio station!

{Source: CVG}

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One thing that we get tired of Redmond Pie is hacks that use Microsoft Kinect in new and interesting ways. If an iPhone is involved , then you earn double points, and this is exactly what developer Singapore Rockmoon has.


The final result, as pointed out by TUAW, has more than a slight resemblance to an old title of Sega CD (Mega CD for those of us in Europe) called sewer shark.

What they come up with is a simple case really, with one player controlling movement via the Kinect and other fire guns using an iPhone on measurement.

This could win any prizes, but it is yet more evidence of what can do when smart people get their hands on powerful hardware as the Kinect and the iPhone. It can go!

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Read More... iPhone and Kinect brings together a 3D multiplayer game [video]

One last breath HD wallpaper

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

iOS 5 is expected to bring with it some juicy new features, not least a new notification system and application developers are starting to see the next iOS version show up in the stats they receive from Apple. Proof the company is ramping up testing, perhaps?

The photo from 9to5Mac shows the OS is being tested on all kinds of devices including iPods, iPads and iPhones of all versions including the iPhone 3GS (not shown in the picture). It was assumed the ageing 3GS would be left out of future major iOS releases but apparently Apple are at least testing the combination. Whether that will culminate in the handset being updated though remains to be seen.


Devices beginning to show up in developers’ stats could mean a public release in months, with various betas and a Golden Master coming beforehand.

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Read More... Apple Begins Widespread Testing Of iOS 5, Public Developer Preview Build Coming Soon?

Ahh, those crazy hackers. They like nothing more than a bit of competition mixed in with their late nights and Mountain Dew. It appears some new-old competition just joined the race to dump the iPad 2's bootrom.

The hacker currently working on the feat, P0sixninja, tweeted that after he asked for more competition from his peers, the newly famous Geohot has accepted the challenge.

iPad 2 Jailbreak

@p0sixninja: I challenged geohot to dump the iPad2 bootrom before me. Maybe having a worthy opponent will motivate me to work harder =P

@p0sixninja: he accepted, he said he didn’t have an iPad yet but he’s getting one really soon

Geohot (or George Hotz to his Mother and anyone over the age of 14) originally cut his teeth hacking iDevices and news that he is returning to take on the iPad 2 will inspire the jailbreak community like never before. Hotz is only just out of court after Sony sued him for jailbreaking their PlayStation 3 console. Clearly he doesn’t want to be out of the news for too long!

Great news if you’re waiting for an iPad 2 jailbreak – more hackers can only mean a jailbreak is closer than it was before Geohot joined the party.

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It’s really not been a great week for Sony. The news that their PlayStation Network had been hacked was bad enough, but then the Japanese electronics giant was forced to tell its 70 million users that their personal data, and even their credit card details may have been stolen.

Once users had finished cancelling every card they’d ever even thought of attaching to PSN, the thoughts then turned to compensation. Just what will Sony do to make things right? According to a statement from Sony, they’re working on something – but they’re not letting on just what they’ll be doing to appease us.

In the company’s latest Q&A session regarding the current problems, Sony did its best to ease players’ fears for their saved game data and trophies by assuring them that their data will simply re-sync as soon as PSN is brought back online. But what about those users who subscribe to online games such as DC Universe Online? According to Ars Technica, Sony is working on a ‘make good’ plan.

"To thank players for their patience, we will be hosting special events across our game portfolio," SOE said in a statement. "We are also working on a ‘make good’ plan for players of the PS3 versions of DC Universe Online and Free Realms. Details will be available soon on the individual game websites and forums."

The same goes for PSN as a whole and streaming service Qriocity. Seybold said that Sony is "evaluating ways to show appreciation" to users for the downtime, but specifics as to how that will be done are currently unavailable.

Ars Technica also notes that, according to gaming blog Kotaku, Sony has brought the FBI into the investigation into what’s happened. We’re sure that will help the vultures as they seek to sue Sony, too.

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We all thought that now the white iPhone is starting to get into the hands of eager punters the world over, the drama of this particular unicorn was at an end. Turns out though, there’s more to come. As the iPhoneDownloadBlog writes, some of the white iPhones shipped out by Apple may be special units, and could even possess Apple’s own in-house software.

Well known hacker chpwn is asking for any white iPhone owner to check their handsets – it appears some phones have the designation ‘xxGB’ where the usual capacity markings are.

Along with the different markings, chpwn believes some hardware may also come with Apple’s own testing software installed. If you’re white iPhone 4 has either the hardware markings or the tell-tale ‘Internal Settings’ option, chpwn wants you to get in touch with him by emailing

It’s believed the software could hold the key to future jailbreaks, and chpwn is keen to get his hands on it.

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Read More... Is Apple Shipping White iPhones With In-House Software?


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