Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The number of times loose lips get people in trouble, one would think people would learn would not you? The culprit this time is a Craig Fairbrass, an actor dubbing two current modern warfare games. In an interview with UK radio station talkSPORT, the voice of the Phantom and gas left is currently working on a big game which would have been cost of 200 m $ to. Which reduces it then!

During the interview, Fairbrass says:

"I have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare as a gas and then I Ghost in Modern Warfare 2, which became one of the most emblematic figures in the history of video games, which is great.".

"And I was just out to make something that will be announced in may…" I was just there to make certain pieces and parts and an it is with… I cannot say too much. »

It seems that Fairbrass is a fan of too much work on the games.

"You like not five, six, seven sessions and they record it in this great big Los Angeles studio, which is absolutely mental"

"It is incredible." "This place was as size 10 factories, all these people who work there".

Although it is no surprise that Activision is working on another set of modern war , because they are basically a license to print money, we are convinced that the company would announce it with a small band more than someone it accidentally leaked on a UK radio station!

{Source: CVG}

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Read More... Modern Warfare 3 announcement imminent?

One thing that we get tired of Redmond Pie is hacks that use Microsoft Kinect in new and interesting ways. If an iPhone is involved , then you earn double points, and this is exactly what developer Singapore Rockmoon has.


The final result, as pointed out by TUAW, has more than a slight resemblance to an old title of Sega CD (Mega CD for those of us in Europe) called sewer shark.

What they come up with is a simple case really, with one player controlling movement via the Kinect and other fire guns using an iPhone on measurement.

This could win any prizes, but it is yet more evidence of what can do when smart people get their hands on powerful hardware as the Kinect and the iPhone. It can go!

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Read More... iPhone and Kinect brings together a 3D multiplayer game [video]

One last breath HD wallpaper

Resolution: widescreen 2560 x 1600


One last breath, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 reviews

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Read More... One last breath
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

iOS 5 is expected to bring with it some juicy new features, not least a new notification system and application developers are starting to see the next iOS version show up in the stats they receive from Apple. Proof the company is ramping up testing, perhaps?

The photo from 9to5Mac shows the OS is being tested on all kinds of devices including iPods, iPads and iPhones of all versions including the iPhone 3GS (not shown in the picture). It was assumed the ageing 3GS would be left out of future major iOS releases but apparently Apple are at least testing the combination. Whether that will culminate in the handset being updated though remains to be seen.


Devices beginning to show up in developers’ stats could mean a public release in months, with various betas and a Golden Master coming beforehand.

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Read More... Apple Begins Widespread Testing Of iOS 5, Public Developer Preview Build Coming Soon?

Ahh, those crazy hackers. They like nothing more than a bit of competition mixed in with their late nights and Mountain Dew. It appears some new-old competition just joined the race to dump the iPad 2's bootrom.

The hacker currently working on the feat, P0sixninja, tweeted that after he asked for more competition from his peers, the newly famous Geohot has accepted the challenge.

iPad 2 Jailbreak

@p0sixninja: I challenged geohot to dump the iPad2 bootrom before me. Maybe having a worthy opponent will motivate me to work harder =P

@p0sixninja: he accepted, he said he didn’t have an iPad yet but he’s getting one really soon

Geohot (or George Hotz to his Mother and anyone over the age of 14) originally cut his teeth hacking iDevices and news that he is returning to take on the iPad 2 will inspire the jailbreak community like never before. Hotz is only just out of court after Sony sued him for jailbreaking their PlayStation 3 console. Clearly he doesn’t want to be out of the news for too long!

Great news if you’re waiting for an iPad 2 jailbreak – more hackers can only mean a jailbreak is closer than it was before Geohot joined the party.

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Read More... Geohot Accepts The Challenge To Jailbreak iPad 2

It’s really not been a great week for Sony. The news that their PlayStation Network had been hacked was bad enough, but then the Japanese electronics giant was forced to tell its 70 million users that their personal data, and even their credit card details may have been stolen.

Once users had finished cancelling every card they’d ever even thought of attaching to PSN, the thoughts then turned to compensation. Just what will Sony do to make things right? According to a statement from Sony, they’re working on something – but they’re not letting on just what they’ll be doing to appease us.

In the company’s latest Q&A session regarding the current problems, Sony did its best to ease players’ fears for their saved game data and trophies by assuring them that their data will simply re-sync as soon as PSN is brought back online. But what about those users who subscribe to online games such as DC Universe Online? According to Ars Technica, Sony is working on a ‘make good’ plan.

"To thank players for their patience, we will be hosting special events across our game portfolio," SOE said in a statement. "We are also working on a ‘make good’ plan for players of the PS3 versions of DC Universe Online and Free Realms. Details will be available soon on the individual game websites and forums."

The same goes for PSN as a whole and streaming service Qriocity. Seybold said that Sony is "evaluating ways to show appreciation" to users for the downtime, but specifics as to how that will be done are currently unavailable.

Ars Technica also notes that, according to gaming blog Kotaku, Sony has brought the FBI into the investigation into what’s happened. We’re sure that will help the vultures as they seek to sue Sony, too.

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Read More... Sony To Compensate PSN Users For Downtime, Stolen Data?

We all thought that now the white iPhone is starting to get into the hands of eager punters the world over, the drama of this particular unicorn was at an end. Turns out though, there’s more to come. As the iPhoneDownloadBlog writes, some of the white iPhones shipped out by Apple may be special units, and could even possess Apple’s own in-house software.

Well known hacker chpwn is asking for any white iPhone owner to check their handsets – it appears some phones have the designation ‘xxGB’ where the usual capacity markings are.

Along with the different markings, chpwn believes some hardware may also come with Apple’s own testing software installed. If you’re white iPhone 4 has either the hardware markings or the tell-tale ‘Internal Settings’ option, chpwn wants you to get in touch with him by emailing

It’s believed the software could hold the key to future jailbreaks, and chpwn is keen to get his hands on it.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.

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Read More... Is Apple Shipping White iPhones With In-House Software?

Yes that’s right! iPhone developer and hacker ih8sn0w has released an updated version of Sn0wbreeze which finally brings support for jailbreaking Verizon iPhone 4 on iOS 4.2.7 untethered!

Verizon iPhone 4 vs AT&T iPhone 4

Release Notes:

sn0wbreeze 2.6.1: Verizon love!

Well, after i0n1c released his untether exploit for 4.3.1, Apple shortly pushed out 4.3.2 AND 4.2.7. i0n1c’s payload was ported over to 4.3.2 in a short period of time but not 4.2.7. This made Verizon users very frustrated.

I originally ordered a Verizon iPhone 4 for my upcoming SHSH blobs dumper. Then I + many others on twitter realized that an untether was not available for 4.2.7. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sick and didn’t do much, but today I was finally able to get the strength to work on this Verizon untether. Since i0n1c’s payload is not easily reversible, I went to previous exploits.

After trying, pod2g’s + posixninja’s kernel exploit for 4.2.x is STILL in 4.2.7! After some more work, I managed to get this thing untethered!

So, this new release includes that new payload to untether + jailbreak 4.2.7.

Wondering how to jailbreak iOS 4.2.7 untethered?

Well, instructions for jailbreaking iOS 4.2.7 untethered using this new version of Sn0wbreeze are exactly similar to the instructions for iOS 4.3.2 (for GSM iPhone 4). Simply download Sn0wbreeze 2.6.1, and then follow our detailed step by step guide posted here (selecting 4.2.7 instead of 4.3.2 duh) to jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4 untethered running on the latest iOS 4.2.7 firmware.

Sn0wbreeze 2.6.1

sn0wbreeze 2.6.1 (1)

Mac user? no problem. Simply use Redsn0w (instructions here) to jailbreak your Verizon iPhone 4 tethered on iOS 4.2.7 (by pointing it to iOS 4.2.6), and then add to install “Verizon Untether for 4.2.7” package to get full untethered jailbreak!

Jailbreak 4.2.7

For iOS 4.3.2 users, we have already covered extensive tutorials on how to jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod touch untethered:

How to jailbreak iOS 4.3.2, iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch using Redsn0w (Untethered) How to jailbreak iOS 4.3.2, iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch using Sn0wbreeze 2.6 (Untethered) How to jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS on iOS 4.3.2 using PwnageTool (Tethered) How to jailbreak iPad on iOS 4.3.2 using PwnageTool (Tethered) How to jailbreak iPod touch 4G on iOS 4.3.2 using PwnageTool (Tethered) How to jailbreak iPhone, iPad, iPod touch on iOS 4.3.2 using Redsn0w (Tethered)

Download iOS 4.2.7 for Verizon iPhone 4
Download Sn0wbreeze 2.6.1 (for Windows users)
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc14 (for Mac users)
Download iTunes 10.2.2 for Windows and Mac

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest iPhone jailbreaking and unlocking releases.

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Read More... You Can Now Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4 On iOS 4.2.7 Untethered Using Sn0wbreeze 2.6.1 [Guide]

Sony today let us all in on the latest information regarding the state of its PlayStation Network, as well as announcing that it will be offering a selection of freebies to help smooth over relations with its customer base.

Over a week since Sony took PSN offline due to hackers gaining access to the personal data of its users, Sony today said that they hope to have the service back up and running soon, with the aim being to bring PSN and Qriocity online inside a week. The delay in returning service is to give the company time to install new security in order to prevent any further intrusions.

Sony’s Executive Deputy President Kazuo Hirai was apologetic in a statement given today:

"Our global audience of PlayStation Network and Qriocity consumers was disrupted. We have learned lessons along the way about the valued relationship with our consumers, and to that end, we will be launching a customer appreciation program for registered consumers as a way of expressing our gratitude for their loyalty during this network downtime, as we work even harder to restore and regain their trust in us and our services."

So what are we going by way of an apology? To be honest, not very much. PSN users will get a free 30-day subscription to Playstation Plus, Sony’s premium version of PSN as well as access to Qriocity for the same period. Existing subscribers will get the 30 days tagged onto their current subscription.

Sony will also offer free content downloads, though what those will be has yet to be announced and will vary depending on the region you are in.

For now though, sit tight and just wait for the day we can finally sign into PSN one again.

{Source: BetaNews}

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Read More... Sony To Bring PSN Back Online This Week, Will Offer Subscriber Freebees As Compensation
Monday, May 2, 2011

Samsung’s Galaxy S II has barely been launched and thanks to developer Chainfire of XDA-Developer fame, it has been rooted already for full file system access.

As PocketNow reports, Superuser access is gained by using the Samsung flashing utility ‘Odin’ to flash the handset with a custom kernel. After a reboot Superuser access is available by using the ‘adb’ program which is part of the Android SDK.

One downside to this process is the fact that the Root access isn’t permanent, though further steps should put that little hiccup right.

Root access granted by this method is not permanent – it requires further steps such as the manual loading of su, busybox, and Superuser.apk to enable permanent superuser access. Notably, Chainfire was able to re-package this modified kernel by using methods effective on the Galaxy S series of devices, without an actual SGS II to develop/test with.

Samsung’s Galaxy S II is the eagerly awaited successor to the ever-popular Galaxy S (obviously enough) and is expected to be a popular handset amongst Android fans due to its impressive hardware specification and 4.3inch Super AMOLED Plus screen.

Want to Root the device? Follow the instructions below, as posted on XDA forum:

Following is a guide on how to perform the root. It is rather easy if you know the drill from other Galaxy devices, but if you are a complete beginner with Samsung phones or Android in general, please read very closely! Try to remember what you do, as likely in the future you’ll be using ODIN more often, to flash custom kernels, custom/leaked firmwares, etc.

Quick guide (for experienced users)
- Reboot into download mode
- Using the attached Odin version, flash the attached XWKDD kernel as PDA. Do not use the PIT, do not have any options checked except for "Auto reboot" and "F. Reset Time"
- Wait for the device to reboot
- Use the "adb root" command to restart ADB in root mode, followed by "adb shell" to get a rooted shell; then you can manually push Superuser.apk / su, busybox, OR use SuperOneClick to finish the job for you.

Long guide (for beginners)
- Download the attached ODIN file and extract the .zip file
- Download the attached XWKDD, but do NOT extract the .tar file
- Download and extract SuperOneClick
- If you do not have Samsung’s KIES 2.0 installed, download and install it. You need it to install the correct USB drivers, so the programs can communicate with the device. Reboot your computer after installation of KIES.
- Make sure your device is in USB debugging mode: Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging
- Reboot your device into download mode: Turn the device off, then power it on again by pressing and holding VolumeDown + Home + Power simultaneously. You will know when you are in download mode, it is really obvious
- Start ODIN
- Connect the device to your computer using USB
- Wait a few seconds, the ODIN screen should show you that a device is now connected
- Make sure that in ODIN NOTHING is checked, except the "Auto reboot" and "F. Reset Time" checkboxes. Press the "PDA" button, and select the "XWKDD_insecure.tar" file.
- Press "Start". ODIN you should now be flashing the kernel, and the device should reboot.
- Wait until the device is rebooted, and while still being connected over USB, start SuperOneClick, and press ROOT.
- Reboot the device
- Done !

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.

View the original article here

Read More... Root Samsung Galaxy S II On Android 2.3.3 [How To Tutorial]

We all thought that now the white iPhone is starting to get into the hands of eager punters the world over, the drama of this particular unicorn was at an end. Turns out though, there’s more to come. As the iPhoneDownloadBlog writes, some of the white iPhones shipped out by Apple may be special units, and could even possess Apple’s own in-house software.

Well known hacker chpwn is asking for any white iPhone owner to check their handsets – it appears some phones have the designation ‘xxGB’ where the usual capacity markings are.

Along with the different markings, chpwn believes some hardware may also come with Apple’s own testing software installed. If you’re white iPhone 4 has either the hardware markings or the tell-tale ‘Internal Settings’ option, chpwn wants you to get in touch with him by emailing

It’s believed the software could hold the key to future jailbreaks, and chpwn is keen to get his hands on it.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.

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Read More... Is Apple Shipping White iPhones With In-House Software?
Folks at BGR have got their hands-on the the upcoming iOS 4.3.3 for iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 2 & 1, iPod touch, and it is said to contain fix for the much talked about iOS location tracking bug.
iOS 4.3.3
iOS 4.3.3 will include:
The update will no longer back up the location database to iTunes. The size of the location database will be reduced. The location database will be deleted entirely when Location Services are turned off. Battery life improvements. iPod bug fixes.
According to their sources, iOS 4.3.3 is due within the next two weeks or so. Apple is also expected to once again close the jailbreak hole which was recently released to untether the jailbreak on iOS 4.3.1/4.3.2.
More info on iOS 4.3.3 as we get it. Stay tuned!
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Read More... iOS 4.3.3 for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Dropping Within Next Two Weeks

While we’ve had rumors on top of rumors surrounding the iPhone 5, but ever since the iPad 2 announcement, many of them have been contradictory. Will the next iPhone be a complete redesign of the handset or are we in for a more iterative approach, similar to that of the iPhone 3G/3GS release? What if we’re in for a surprise and both are true?

The iPhoneDownloadBlog claims this could actually be the case, and they have their very own source to back them up.

Reportedly an employee at an Apple parts supplier, the source says Apple is ordering two sets of parts – one cutting edge, one more conservative. Based on the assumption that Apple wouldn’t be mixing the two, the source believes this is proof Apple is looking to bring two versions of the iPhone 5 to market with one being a ‘pro’ version and the other a ‘normal’ one.

We obviously don’t know anything about this source, but the iPhoneDownloadBlog seem convinced of his legitimacy and while we have no reason to not believe them, we’re not entirely convinced the information is 100% accurate. It’s even possible the story of two sets of parts being ordered is true, but perhaps the lower-end parts for for a new iPod touch?

Without having access to the source ourselves it’s hard to really form too much of an opinion, but the idea of a higher spec’ed ‘pro’ version sounds good to us – we like higher specifications and bigger numbers are always a good thing, right!?

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Read More... Apple Working On Two iPhone 5 Models According To Apple Source
iPhone developer iH8sn0w has just released Sn0wbreeze 2.6 for Windows users to fully jailbreak iOS 4.3.2 untethered running on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad (1st-gen) and iPod touch. Just like Redsn0w, iPad 2 jailbreak on 4.3.2 is not supported yet.
Why use Sn0wbreeze over Redsn0w? If your iPhone relies on a carrier unlock, you must use Sn0wbreeze 2.6 which will help retain the old baseband for iPhone 4 and 3GS users so that they can be unlocked using Ultrasn0w. Complete step by step instructions for jailbreaking using Redsn0w on both Windows and Mac can be found here.

iOS 4.3.2 was originally jailbroken last week using PwnageTool bundles (on Mac) but it was limited to tethered boot. But now with the new version of Redsn0w and Sn0wbreeze, you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch fully untethered on the latest iOS 4.3.2 firmware.

Step 1: First, download all the required tools and files to your Windows desktop:

  • Download and install iTunes 10.2.2 for Windows.
  • Download Sn0wbreeze 2.6 for Windows.
  • Download iOS 4.3.2 for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Step 2: Start Sn0wbreeze, click the next “blue” colored arrow to proceed.

Step 3: Select the required firmware .ipsw file for your iOS device by clicking on the “Browse” button.

Step 4: Sn0wbreeze will now identify the selected IPSW file. Once done, click the next “blue” colored arrow to proceed.

Step 5: Now select the “Expert Mode”, followed by “Build IPSW” option to start creating your custom firmware.

Since building custom firmware may take some time, you can optionally play Pac-Man game to kill some time.

Step 6: Sn0wbreeze will greet you with the following “Done!” message when the custom firmware has been successfully created.

Step 7: Now follow the onscreen steps to enter DFU mode using Sn0wbreeze:

  • Hold Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds
  • Now release the Power button but continue holding the Home button for 10 more seconds
  • You device should now be in DFU mode

If you have followed the steps correctly, you will get the following message from Snw0breeze

Step 8: Start iTunes, click on your iOS device icon from the sidebar in iTunes. Now press and hold Left “Shift” button on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” (Not “Update” or “Check for Update”) button in iTunes and then release this button.

This will make iTunes prompt you to select the location for your custom firmware 4.3.2 file. Select the required custom .ipsw file that you created above, and click on “Open”.

Step 9: Now sit back and enjoy as iTunes does the rest for you. This will involve a series of automated steps. Be patient at this stage and don’t do anything silly. Just wait while iTunes installs the new firmware 4.3.2 on your iOS device. Your iOS device screen at this point will be showing a progress bar indicating installation progress. After the installation is done, your iOS device will be jailbroken on iOS 4.3.2.
Read More... Jailbreak iOS 4.3.2 Untethered On Windows Using Sn0wbreeze 2.6 [Tutorial]
The iPhone Dev-Team has released Redsn0w 0.9.6rc13 to include support (except for iPad 2) for untethered jailbreak on3.2 using the same i0n1c’sexploit which was used to previously untether 4.3.1.

iOS 4.3.2 was originally last week using bundles (on Mac) but it was limited to tethered boot.But now with this latest version of Redsn0w, you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad, and ipod touch fully untethered on the latest iOS 4.3.2 firmware.

NOTE: Those of you who rely on a carrier unlock MUST STAY AWAY from Redsn0w and stock iOS 4.3.2 firmware.

How to jailbreak iOS 4.3.2 using Redsn0w on Windows and Mac:

Step 1: Download iOS 4.3.2 for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. (download links given at the bottom)

Step 2: Update/Restore to iOS 4.3.2 firmware using the IPSW file you just downloaded via iTunes 10.2.2.

Step 3: Start Redsn0w and point it to the official iOS 4.3.2 firmware file.

Step 4: Now select “Install Cydia” and click “Next”. Optionally (if available), you can also select any other option you like.

Step 5: Now make sure your device is both OFF and PLUGGED IN to the computer before
you click “Next”.

At this stage you will be presented with a screen where you will be guided on how to enter DFU mode. Quickly hold “Power” button and then while holding the “Power” button, you will now have to hold “Home” button too. Now after few seconds release “Power” button but keep holding “Home” button until installation begins.

Step 6: Sit back and enjoy while Redsn0w does the rest for you. Once done, your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will restart automatically and you will find it fully jailbroken (untethered) on the latest iOS 4.3.2 firmware.

UPDATE 1: Redsn0w 0.9.6rc14 adds support for untethered iPhone 4 jailbreak on iOS 4.3.2. Download it from here.
Read More... Jailbreak 4.3.2 Untethered On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Using Redsn0w


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